
認知行為遊戲治療是由Susan M. Knell開發的一種治療方法,它將經實證支持的認知行為治療技術應用於幼兒的遊戲環境中。認知行為遊戲治療強調兒童直接參與治療過程,無論他們面臨何種問題。所有認知行為遊戲治療都包括與家長定期會面,以收集兒童進展的資訊,監測和干預親子互動,並提供實現治療目標的重要指導。
MARIA A. GERACI是一位發展和教育心理學家和認知行為心理治療師。 她是多家國家和國際出版物的作者,現任羅馬CBPT研究中心主任,在多家MIUR認可心理治療專業學院和幾位大學碩士學位上擔任合同講師。 他擁有二十年培訓各級學校教師的經驗。
本書簡報 MARIA ANGELA GERACI的「認知行為遊戲療法」

本書更新了Maria Angela Geraci提出的CBPT理論模型,除了整合文獻中的所有研究之外,還強調個案概念化在CBPT中的決定性作用。最後,本書定義了一條選擇適當工具和程序的途徑,以及未來研究的設計路徑。
MARIA A. GERACI是一位發展和教育心理學家和認知行為心理治療師。 她是多家國家和國際出版物的作者,現任羅馬CBPT研究中心主任,在多家MIUR認可心理治療專業學院和幾位大學碩士學位上擔任合同講師。 他擁有二十年培訓各級學校教師的經驗。

Cognitive-Behavioral Play Therapy (CBPT) incorporates cognitive and behavioral interventions within a play therapy paradigm. It provides a theoretical framework based on cognitive-behavioral principles and integrates these in a developmentally sensitive way. Thus, play as well as verbal and nonverbal approaches are used in resolving problems. CBPT differs from nondirective play therapy, which avoids any direct discussion of the child’s difficulties. A specific problem-solving approach is utilized, which helps the child develop more adaptive thoughts and behaviors. Cognitive-behavioral therapies are based on the premise that cognitions determine how people feel and act, and that faulty cognitions can contribute to psychological disturbance. Cognitive-behavioral therapies focus on identifying maladaptive thoughts, understanding the assumptions behind the thoughts, and learning to correct or counter the irrational ideas that interfere with healthy functioning. Since their development approximately twenty-five years ago, such therapies have traditionally been used with adults and only more recently with adolescents and children. It has commonly been thought that preschool-age and school-age children are too young to understand or correct distortions in their thinking. However, the recent development of CBPT reveals that cognitive strategies can be used effectively with young children if treatments are adapted in order to be developmentally sensitive and attuned to the child’s needs. For example, while the methods of cognitive therapy can be communicated to adults directly, these may need to be conveyed to children indirectly, through play activities. In particular, puppets and stuffedanimals can be very helpful in modeling the use of cognitive strategies such as countering irrational beliefs and making positive self-statements. CBPT is structured and goal oriented and intervention is directive in nature. It incorporates empirically demonstrated cognitive and behavioral techniques and allows for the empirical examination of treatment outcome. This long-awaited volume will be useful to clinicians of every theoretical persuasion in enabling them to formulate fresh approaches for helping their young patients.
Susan M. Knell holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology and a MA in Developmental Psychology. She is the author of the book, Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy (1993) which has been translated into Italian and Turkish. As the first to study and write about the application of Cognitive Behavior Therapy to young children, she integrated Cognitive Behavioral interventions and Play therapy in developmentally sensitive ways. She has written chapters on CBPT in many edited books on Play Therapy. As a clinical Psychologist, she has provided assessment and therapeutic services to children, adolescents, and adults for almost 40 years. In addition to her clinical practice, she supervises graduate students, trains mental health professionals internationally, and has done research and teaching.

BİLİŞSEL DAVRANIŞCI OYUN TERAPİSİ HAKKINDA Bilişsel Davranışçı Oyun Terapisi (BDOT) oyun terapisi paradigması içinde bilişsel ve davranışçı müdahaleleri birleştirmektedir. Bilişsel-davranışçı ilkelere dayanan teorik bir çerçeve sağlamaktadır ve bunları gelişimsel olarak hassas bir yolla bütünleştirmektedir. Böylece, sözlü ve sözlü olmayan yaklaşımların yanında oyun, problemlerin çözümünde kullanılmaktadır. Bilişsel-davranışçı terapiler, bilişlerin insanların nasıl hissettiği ve davrandığını belirlediği ve hatalı bilişlerin psikolojik rahatsızlıklara yol açtığı temel varsayımına dayanmaktadır. Bilişsel-davranışçı terapiler uyumsuz düşünceleri belirlemeye, düşüncelerin arkasındaki çıkarımları anlamaya ve sağlıklı bilişsel işleyişe engel olan mantıksız fikirleri düzeltmeye odaklanmaktadır. Gelişimi yaklaşık yirmi beş yıl öncesine dayanan bu gibi terapiler geleneksel olarak yetişkinlerle kullanılmaktayken; son zamanlarda ergenler ve çocuklarla da kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Okul öncesi ve okul dönemindeki çocuklarının düşünce sistemlerindeki çarpıtmaları anlamak ve düzeltmek için çok küçük oldukları yaygın olarak kabul görmektedir. Bununla birlikte, BDOT’daki yeni gelişmeler, tedavi gelişimsel olarak duyarlı olursa ve çocukların ihtiyaçlarına uyum sağlanarak düzenlenirse, bilişsel stratejilerin küçük çocuklarla da etkin bir şekilde kullanılabileceğini göstermektedir. Örneğin, bilişsel terapi metotları yetişkinlerle direk konuşulurken, çocuklara dolaylı olarak, oyun faaliyetleri ile iletilmelidir. Özellikle, kuklalar ve oyuncak hayvanlar mantıksız davranışlara karşı gelme ve pozitif öz ifade gibi bilişsel stratejilerin kullanılmasını modellemede çok faydalı olabilmektedir. BDOT, yapılandırılmış ve hedef odaklıdır ve müdahalesi doğası gereği yönlendiricidir. Bilişsel Davranışçı Oyun Terapisi (BDOT), “Yenikapı- Psikoloji ve Terapi Yayınları” tarafından okurlara sunulmuştur.
Susan M. Knell holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology and a MA in Developmental Psychology. She is the author of the book, Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy (1993) which has been translated into Italian and Turkish. As the first to study and write about the application of Cognitive Behavior Therapy to young children, she integrated Cognitive Behavioral interventions and Play therapy in developmentally sensitive ways. She has written chapters on CBPT in many edited books on Play Therapy. As a clinical Psychologist, she has provided assessment and therapeutic services to children, adolescents, and adults for almost 40 years. In addition to her clinical practice, she supervises graduate students, trains mental health professionals internationally, and has done research and teaching.