Maria A. Geraci
Development and Education Psychologist, Psychotherapist CBT, PhD, Rome, Italy
Maria Geraci specializes in CBT Psychotherapy from the Humanitas School of Specialization in Rome (LUMSA University). She has a University Specialization in Psychological Assessment from Sapienza University of Rome. Finally, she earned an MA in Play Therapy from the International Academy for Play Therapy in Lugano. She specialized in CBT psychotherapy with a case study of child depression treated with CBPT.
For 16 years, she has been a school psychologist in schools, concentrating on analyzing and intervening in behavior, education, and organization. For 10 years as a CBT psychotherapist she has been dealing with cognitive-behavioral aspects related to Neurodevelopmental Disorders.
She has written many publications, including national and international articles. The topics was: Neurodevelopment Disorders, Coping, emotional resources of children with learning disabilities, and promoting resilience.
She is a LUMSA adjunct professor at the LUMSA University, Coordinator and Professor of the School of Psychotherapy Humanitas. She is a professor at Roma Capitale and trainer of various school prevention projects on issues involving developmental psychology and educational psychopathology and psychology.
She is currently the director of CBPT Research Center.

Susan M. Knell
Clinical Psychologist, , Phd, LLC. Cleveland Ohio
Susan M. Knell earned a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Case Western Reserve University and an MA in Developmental Psychology from Ohio State University.
She authored the book “Cognitive-Behavioral Play Therapy” (Jason Aronson, 1993), used globally and published in Italian in 1998 as well.
She was the first to study and write about the application of cognitive-behavioral therapy in young children. In addition, she has written book chapters on play therapy, and recently on treating young children with anxiety disorders. She has lectured throughout the United States on Cognitive-Behavioral Play Therapy with preschool and early school-age children.
As a clinical psychologist, she has provided assessment and therapeutic services to children, adolescents, and adults for over 25 years. Apart from her work with patients, she has a lot of experience in research and training other mental health professionals.
Currently, she’s an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Case Western Reserve, supervising and teaching graduate students in the Department of Psychological Sciences.