by Staff BIS CBPT | Jun 22, 2020 | English language
HOW DIRECTIVE PLAY THERAPY HELPS CHILDREN DEFINITION PLAY THERAPY DIRECTIVE Directive Play Therapy uses play to create a strong bond between therapist and child, fostering meaningful experiences. In fact, play represents the innate language of childhood and plays an...
by Staff BIS CBPT | Jun 22, 2020 | English language
WHAT IS THE PLAY THERAPY? DEFINIZIONE PLAY THERAPY Play Therapy is the strategic use of play within therapeutic contexts to promote the expression and processing of the child’s thoughts, needs and feelings. Although play has always been recognized as a means of...
by Staff BIS CBPT | Jun 22, 2020 | English language
What is Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy? What is Play Therapy and How does it works? CBPT DEFINITION Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy is a psychotherapy approach aimed at children, including pre-schoolers, and their parents and represents a possible psychotherapy...
by Staff BIS CBPT | Jun 22, 2020 | English language
PARENT TRAINING Parent Training is a proven intervention aimed towards parents and treatment of various behavioral difficulties of their children. The purpose of Parent training intervention is to structure, in a preventive perspective, a program that allows parents...
by Staff BIS CBPT | Jun 22, 2020 | English language
CERTIFICATION IN COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL PLAY THERAPY PLAY THERAPY Certification online It is possible to obtain the international certification of PRACTITIONER in COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL PLAY THERAPY CERTIFICATION GOALS – Define a structured path in the training...
by Staff BIS CBPT | Jun 22, 2020 | English language
EXPRESSIVE ARTS Expressive arts offers confidence and freedom that the child needs to express themselves. Children feel comfortable when they play, draw and create. By incorporating play techniques into the therapeutic process, the therapist can establish the...